Political Ideology and statesmanship during times of Turmoil
Readers would discover wonderful benefits through 5 important points that will help them transform their communities.
Readers would discover wonderful benefits through 5 important points that will help them transform their communities.
This book summarizes all factors stakeholders need to know about bullying as a guide to make informed decisions.
You're thinking about purchasing a house in disrepair. You want to remodel it and try to earn some extra money. In Flip This Diamond House, author Majorie B. Patralski offers a useful guide to flipping houses and details some of the bumps and obstacles you may encounter. Using her personal experiences as a flipper, Patralski presents an overview of the process. She gives suggestions on what to look for in a property; poses questions to consider when buying; and provides tips and tricks to help you be successful in the endeavor, from contractors to estimates. Patralski discusses the key elements to leverage spending and realize a greater profit through real-life data and examples. With more than fifty color photos included, Flip This Diamond House looks at the ins and outs of home flipping, giving advice, helpful tips, and recommendations. Patralski demonstrates how a house can become that diamond in the rough, sparkling and shining.
There is an elephant in the room. It is the subject no one wants to talk about, yet it may be the most important conversation you have with your loved ones.Our journey through life is varied and unpredictable. Our life experiences are unique to each of us, yet we each face the same end. We do not choose the how, where, or when of our final curtain call. Young or old, healthy or ill, accident or natural causes, when it is our time it is our time."And Now What?" Planning Guide and Survivors Checklist, What to do Before - Upon - and After the Death of a Parent, Spouse, or Loved One, is in fact,a LIFE planner; designed to empower you and give you the peace of mind to enjoy your life, worry less, and fearlessly pursue the happiness you deserve. It is designed to be a stand-alone or companion workbook, with the book, “Shit Happens” Creating Your Plan to Survive and Thrive When Faced With Life’s Personal and Natural Disasters.Follow the templates, fill in the blanks, and gather your important documents in your ICE (In Case of Emergency) file. Share your plans with your loved ones, so that they know what to do and where to find important information. Pass a copy of this book on to your parents, siblings, and children. They will thank you for it.
Disasters affect us all. It doesn’t matter if it’s a natural disaster that forces your family to evacuate on a moment’s notice or your home is flooded or destroyed. It could be a personal disaster like death, divorce, or health. It could even be any number of little things that go wrong in our lives on a daily basis; a flat tire, a broken pipe, or a broken light-switch that can create chaos in your life. Disasters are all around us. How well we are prepared for them influences our ability to get through them. Do you have a disaster plan? If you don’t, why not? What’s stopping you from creating a plan to protect not only you, but, those you love the most? Do you know where to start? Could you collect your important papers on a moment’s notice? Does your family know where to find important papers and information? Do you have a list of computer accounts and passwords for your loved ones if you were no longer here? Shit Happens will guide you step-by-step through the disaster planning process. You will work with your lawyer, accountant, financial planner, insurance agent, and funeral planner. You will gather and assemble all the pieces of your plan in your comprehensive “ICE” (in case of emergency) file and store your information securely. You will prepare for many emergencies by putting together your family disaster kit and checklist. Your family will know where to meet and what to do if separated during an emergency. You will create and share your plan with your loved ones. Planning for life’s disasters is empowering. It will provide you with great peace of mind knowing you are prepared and your family will be safe and taken care of. Shit Happens is the blueprint to insure you will not only survive the disaster but you and your family will go on to thrive.
A autobiographical dark comedy about abuse I’ve endured and how I managed to overcome it. This book is the first book of a 3 part series told in a unique way that is not only impactful, but inspirational as well. Throw in a little humor and you have the perfect formula for a great easy read. Parental discretion is advised.
Is your dog a member of the family? Do you believe in providing the best food possible for her? Do you love making treats for him as much as for the human members of the family (maybe more)? Here you will find scrumptious, "doggy-licious" treats and meals for your canine companion! Some are no-bake and all are very easy to prepare. Give your dog fresh and healthy food! "Pamper and protect your dogs with some special recipes for treats and food. I think this book fills a need for something that helps a dog owner with dietary needs for their pet. There have been some issues lately with commercially available dog food and it makes sense to cook for your furry pals so they aren't subject to those risks! The recipes are easy to follow and make, and certainly provide safe, nutritious and tasty food for your dog. Linda has taken her cooking and writing skills from "Linda's Luscious Recipes" and applied them well to this cookbook for the pooches." --Ron Kasper
In Dare to be the Change, Annella Metoyer courageously shares the details of her life's challenges, her family's dedication to positive change as well as offers hope for readers through her struggles and accomplishments. Starting with the integration of her small town public school, she encounters a life-changing experience that sets her on a path of "being the change."