Young readers embark on an enlightening journey alongside three inseparable best friends: Harper, Emma, and Jerry. In this heartfelt children's book, they discover the joy of celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, and Diwali together, each festival introducing its unique traditions and historical significance.
Category: BooksYoung readers embark on an enlightening journey alongside three inseparable best friends: Harper, Emma, and Jerry. In this heartfelt children's book, they discover the joy of celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, and Diwali together, each festival introducing its unique traditions and historical significance.
However, this is not just a celebration of holiday customs; it is also a journey of understanding and acceptance. Emma lives with autism, and her friends take this opportunity to learn about her sensory processing disorder. Along with Harper and Jerry, young readers will learn what it means to support a friend with sensory sensitivity and explore how to be empathetic and considerate of differences. “Lets talk! Celebrating the Holidays” offers not only a diverse cultural immersion but also an opportunity for readers to appreciate the spectrum of human neurodiversity.