Seeking participants for a research study: Impact of Perceived Organizational Gender Pay Gap Barriers of C-suite Nonprofit Female Executives: Strategies Used in Response
Category: OtherDear Prospective Participants,
My name is Nevlyn Nicholson, and I am a student at Adler University pursuing a Doctorate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. I am conducting a research study entitled "Impact of Perceived Organizational Gender Pay Gap Barriers of C-suite Nonprofit Female Executives: Strategies Used in Response."
This study will be conducted with female C-suite executives working in nonprofits seeking gender pay equity and promotional opportunities internally for the past year. The purpose is to obtain perspectives of female C-suite executives who have received less pay than males with the same responsibilities, received promotions with pay inequity, and those who have not been successful. The study aims to identify some of the different factors involved in the pay and promotion process and understand female C-suite executives' perspectives on this topic.
You are invited to participate in the research study. Your participation will involve a one-hour Microsoft Teams interview in a private location at a mutually agreed time. The interview will consist of open-ended questions about your experience, including perceived barriers and challenges experienced by female C-suite executives' pay disparity and advancement to other executive leadership positions, as well as perceived inequalities or biases related to pay and promotion decision-making. With your permission, the interview will be audiotaped.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, you can do so without penalty or loss of benefit to yourself. All your hard copy data will be shredded and destroyed, and all your electronic data will be deleted from all hard drives and online backup locations.
The research study results will be published, but your identity and location will remain confidential. Any direct quotes reported to illustrate findings will be attributed to a code name. Your name and company's name will not be disclosed in the dissertation or to any outside party. In this research, there are no risks to you.
Although there may be no direct benefit to you, the possible benefit is to help C-suite female executives in the workforce overcome the barriers and challenges experienced with pay gaps and career advancement and proactively share their support needs with nonprofit leaders. You will be participating as a co-researcher because your inputs are the essence of this research, and the information may assist nonprofit leaders in gaining a better understanding of how to support female C-suite executives seeking pay equity and advancement opportunities, including skills gap training, equitable compensation, and reward. The outcome of the studies may encourage nonprofit leaders to implement initiatives that support female C-suite executives’ pay equity and career advancement. Female C-suite advancement may create a diverse leadership to contribute diverse views and thinking to improve nonprofit performance and effectiveness.
If you would like to participate in this research study, please reply by email to [email protected]. All participants in this study will be asked to review and sign an informed consent form in ink before participating in the interviews and return an email before the interview.
I hope that you can participate in this study, the results of which may contribute to female C-suite executives' gender pay gap barriers in nonprofit studies. All personal information in the proposal and dissertation will be confidential and anonymous. Sincerely,
Nevlyn Nicholson,
Doctoral Candidate
Adler University1
7N. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60062