Tenacity: Penciling the Journey and Inking the Destiny

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Tenacity: Penciling the Journey and Inking the Destiny

$12.95 SKU: ISBN: 978-1643883861
Posted By: Veena Sharma

It is her story of embracing risk and change and learning to dance with them. Beginning with a painting of life in Fiji that cradles readers so softly that they wish that they had been born there, readers then accompany her on an adventure to Canada as her family relocates. There is no way to grasp her family's insistence she marry a stranger. Her parents, victims of cultural conformity, insist that she stay with him regardless of the physical and mental abuse he inflicts. Veena's choices inspire readers to deny fear it's power and to embrace change so they can become the authors of their own stories.

Category: Books


Story of courage and resilience in the face of adversities 

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