About Mentor: I appreciate a reach out anyday of the week because that is what fuels “my fire” in this life. I had a house fire 4 years ago and it saved me to lose everything to gain life. Those where just things. What is valuable is our purpose in this life and unity..
Area or Field of Mentorship: Any field- I am focused towards the heart and mind. As faith is my “jam” I call it…I am a survivor and redeemed from drug use, abuse, PTSD, anxiety, suicide attempts and well..that’s my story…it leads to my testimony of faith in listening to God’s voice..
Means of Mentoring: Initially I believe a call would be best…then zoom….I will always be able to respond to emails in a timely manner…and in person is always an option if able to.I believe taking steps further (like video)shows love to whoever is in need of encouragement..
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