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Ms. Tricia M. Dover

(Life Coach)

About Me

The Lamplighter -- Light Your Fire Are you stuck? Are you stuck in unhealthy behaviors? Are co-dependencies and negativity sabotaging your happiness? Are you stuck in toxic relationships that suck the life out of you? Have you tried all the fast diet, only to receive minimal or temporary results, or you just don’t know what to cook? LISTEN, You don’t need the perfect diet...You need a lifestyle change.  LET ME LIGHT YOUR FIRE! At 50-years Old, I’ve tried them all. I’ve studied diets, googled meal plans and purchased gym memberships in a desperate attempt for change. Let me help you emulate WHAT DOES WORK! Let’s get to the truth. Let’s get vulnerable. Let’s get transparent. Let’s get into the solution. Let’s change your life, one day, one meal, one session at a time! My weight loss journey started about 18 years ago at 296 pounds. I was on meds for high blood pressure and depression and I was lost and out of ideas. I have found over the years that humility, consistency and accountability our key.  My passion and desire to help others is FIRE!! I am here to help guide you. To help you undo unhealthy negative behaviors, lose the guilt and shame and learn how to love yourself and be proud of who you are. I am committed to being the best version of myself, to live with purpose and be fully alive. TOGETHER LET’S LIGHT THE FIRE! Let me be the light for you that I never had.🐛🐛🦋 Once I was a caterpillar, now a butterfly!

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