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Ms. Tocarra M. Lewis


About Me

Tocarra Lewis is the driving force behind the A Modest Living (AML) mindsetchanging movement.  After identifying aneed to help people move from day-to-day survival mode to thriving, Tocarradeveloped a cadre of evolving services to meet people where they are and helpthem to change their lives.  As a lifecoach and a certified nonprofit professional, she has worked as a life coachingprofessional since 2009.  She has a Public Policy with a concentration in Human Resources and Nonprofits fromGeorgia State University, and a M.S. in Healthcare Management from ClaytonState University.  Tocarra is a CertifiedNonprofit Professional and an accredited member of the Nonprofit LeadershipAlliance.

AML is a life coaching and connectionsorganization that promotes the well-being of the whole person through a widearray of services including financial literacy, business mentorship, lifecoaching, and youth programming.  Theyalso provide assistance with housing and home furnishing options that are bothpractical and economical.  Living amodest lifestyle isn’t about minimalism or following a popular trend; it’sabout taking a holistic approach to building a sustainable life.  Through their various programs and services,AML shares their values and equips their clients to be able to find the fertilesoil needed to grow even in a desert land.

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