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Ms. Shanice Dockins


About Me

Shanice Dockins, The Empowerment Coach, is on a mission to empower women to use their voice and do the inner work. Since her mission started, she’s spoken on numerous stages, been spotted on podcast interviews, placed in magazines and articles, and is currently impacting people worldwide through social media. Leading Black businesswoman Shanice knows all about failures, challenges, and success. She’s transformed herself from a broken-home mentality to Oklahoma City’s very own — published author. After experiencing brokenness and coming from poverty, she had to put all the pieces back together with self-love. What she didn’t understand was, to truly progress to the next level, she had to unplug from what was hindering her. When she began to work on all of the things she wanted to accomplish, she started to attract better for herself. Shanice intends to maintain her peace and true happiness within herself. Her mission, her message, and her motto and the title of her book is, “Unplugged: You Are Beautiful Empowerment Poetry for Black Women.”

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