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Ms. Rose A. Okwany


About Me

Why IHOPEE? Education is the key, my life in brief I grew up in a family of sixteen kids. There were days that my family did NOT have food to eat while growing up. I am the first of sixteen children. My dad had to withdraw from school because of lack of fees. My mom grew up when girls were not allowed to go to school. Dad believed in equal opportunity and tried to help any of us who was ready to go to school. He worked so hard but could not afford to pay school fees, well wishers saw me through school. In Kenya then, girls were not so lucky at my age then to finish school. Kenya is a poor country. We lived in a one room house in Kibra, the largest slums in Africa. We shared an outside bathroom with another family. The house was divided by a curtain and all the sixteen kids slept on the floor. My mom had to talk to some neighbors. My father was the sole breadwinner and could not afford a bigger house or feed us well. But one thing he believed was education. He took loans and walked from work to home several miles, it was tough life. It was so hard My life right now is totally different. I am a productive member of the society. Education made a difference. I give, am privileged because of education and empowerment. Many great friends have joined me to help make a difference in the youth, children and women to change lives for the better through education . Help us make a difference today through healthcare awareness and mentoring and education scholarships. I pray I will be able to share the love and make a difference in just one persons life. With help of passionate friends and ready to give back not because they have to, but because it's the right thing to do . I have more than 15 years of instructional experience in various levels from middle to high school and post high school, teaching language coaching and mentoring, and communication skills. I worked in an acute hospital set up as a nurse for 7 years. I am a patient advocate and passionate about life. I am humbled and love giving my best to my patients and humanity. Service beyond self as a Rotarian this has given a better perspective of appreciation of life through education training and more. I was humbled and honored to offer my services last year 2018 - We provided care to more than 2000 patients who had cases from diabetes, strokes, cardiac and backache issues. As a team worker with the help of IHOPEE medical team and doctors and very. Committed volunteer, very resourceful and have a passion beyond self this was a success . Reporting equip a library (15 school all over Kenyan counties) received books ( IHOPEE-Book Drive ) and over 10,000 children enjoy books because of our project. 5000 Domestic violence stroke diabetes and cancer and cardiac awareness realized so far s iin progress 2500 patients seen in 2018 medical awareness. I believe in giving back and being a team player in service for mankind. Humbled to be in a group that cares for those who are not as privileged through caring mentoring ,coaching and teaching. My past experience include working with great nitrates and doctors in transplant and orthopedic unit in Tampa General Hospital- USA - I have been privileged to be the founder and president of IHOPEE founded in 2014 and directors who have a vision we cherish -@provide youth and women an opportunity to thrive in healthcare and education. Give me a rod and I will fend for myself- ) “ we are all Ambassadors Of Ihopee.The spirit of giving back is a blessing. Women and finance (microfinance) health awareness through medical mission both in the USA and back home in Kenya working with schools to provide scholarships like in Grand Canyon University in Arizona my Almanac to help young people serve in IHOPEE and get relief in their academics. (Academic Excellence Matters ) ✔️Author Of Unmasking Bullying And Budget Fitting in Amazon ✔️Supervisor and Director of IHOPEE in the day today running of the organization ✔️Community services /work - SDA church. ✔️Great America Teach in of my my favorite services ✔️Rotary club member Fishhawk Riverview Fl USA ✔️Work with Autistic kids and provide encouragement and support to moms. ✔️Masters of science Degree in Leadership(mentoring and communication and coaching). - Grand Canyon University - Arizona USA ✔️Breckenridge Nursing Schools - Associate Degree in Nursing. ✔️University Of Nairobi - Education Degree ✔️Florida chapter Nurses Association

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