I began my degree with the goal of a Masters In Art Therapy in mind. However, I stopped at the point of my BFA with concentrations in printmaking and drawing. My goals have always been to help many people with my art and via my writing. I am very compassionate about helping other women. I recognize that we have much power and I believe we can change the world. At 65 it's now or never. I asked myself, "What do I want to leave behind? What can I do to inspire others? What have I learned along the way? Do I dare to stand up and make a difference? (Yes, because I have a voice and it matters! I can not worry how I appear to anyone but if I am strong with who I am I will shine through! I know how to gather people about me. It starts with communication, telling others your ideas, and finding people to believe in you! If you make no noise who will find you? If you do things and do not tell about them___who will know. I do not know all about the mind as I most likely need to! But someone does! Someone can help me make connections so I can create a better tool that will heal people emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually This is what art therapy, what art, in general, can do!
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