I am a survivor. Life has thrown many obstacles onto my path, but even a life full of challenges doesn't stop me from pursuing my destiny! I have always been very creative, and have found it difficult to live "inside the box", or to work in one, either. My passion to create and inspire others is what drives me. There is nothing more rewarding than creating something that touches the souls of others, especially those you otherwise couldn't reach. I believe we often miss connections with people due to things like language barriers, belief systems, and a wide array of labels that inherently divide us. There is something beautiful about being able to move beyond those boundaries, and connecting with people on all sides. As human beings, we do this many different ways. Through ingenuity, research, science, and my personal favorites, music & art, I strive to inspire others to express themselves, whether I am doing it by creating something that truly resonates with them, like a piece of handmade custom jewelry, apparel or something to decorate their space- or by encouraging them to go for the gusto, and create something themselves!
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