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Ms. Melissa Alcantara

(Fitness Instructor)

About Me

Melissa Alcantara is a high-profile trainer and all-natural athlete who’s shaped the physiques of familiar names including Kim Kardashian. Melissa came to fitness later in life when, after many attempts, she finally buckled down and turned her post-pregnancy body into a spartan goddess physique through trials and tribulations, many failures and successes, and of course tons of work and dedication. After losing 40 pounds in 60 days, and realizing she had total control of her mind and body, Melissa started training for bodybuilding competitions, and shared her fitness journey on social media. Since then, she has earned bodybuilding titles, competed in and won Jiu Jitsu competitions, and gained over one million followers who she brings daily inspiration to through her authentic no-nonsense fitness and wellness knowledge, self-development, and commitment. Melissa is also a published author. In her book titled 'Fit Gurl', she breaks down how to create healthy habits that lead to wellness... and abs that will never leave you.

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