I would like to continue to pass on some of the knowledge I have gained through experience and education. I would be willing to speak at professional conferences. I would be willing to contribute articles to newsletters or journals. I would be willing to be a guest lecturer at colleges of nursing especially on the topic of health policy.
healthcare education
End of Life/Palliative Care
Health policy
Evidence-based nursing
Infectious Disease
Post Graduate Certificate, End of Life Nurse Educators Consortium (ELNEC) Core Trainer, 2011
Post Graduate Certificate, Family Nurse Practitioner, 1997
DSN, Health Policy, University of Alabama Birmingham, 1996
MSN, Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Mississippi University for Women, 1986
BSN, Marquette University, 1970
3-12-18 Awarded an Elsevier Reviewer Recognition Award for reviewing manuscripts for Elsevier journals
2-1-17 Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Nurse Practitioners. This recognition awarded for being among the top 10th percentile of reviewers for this journal
2-1-17 Outstanding Reviewer for Geriatric Nursing. This recognition awarded for being among the top 10th percentile of reviewers for this journal
6-30-16 Awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing from the Journal of Nurse Practitioners. This certificate is awarded to peer reviewers who review at least 5 manuscripts within a year and make suggestions to authors
8-19-2015 Awarded a scholarship by the End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) to attend an international Conference on Geriatric Palliative and End of Life Care. As a result, I received a Certification as ELNEC Core Trainer
2014-2015 Invited to be Guest Editor for the entire Health Policy Issue for the Journal for Nurse Practitioners Feb. 2015
2008-2015 Invited to be the Health Policy Editor for the Journal for Nurse Practitioners. As Health Policy Editor, responsibilities include serving as a reviewer on policy articles that are submitted, helping find other policy reviewers, and helping find nurse practitioners who are doing policy-related research or writing and solicit articles for JNP. Responsibilities include recommending revisions or publication of submitted manuscripts.