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Mrs. Kristie Bruce-Lane


About Me

Kristie has over 20 years of corporate experience in the Healthcare and Agricultural industries. Kristie is passionate about our most vulnerable populations - our elderly and our children. Healthcare, nursing home reform, homeless children, our school system and our water are all areas of focus for Kristie. She believes in a proactive, solutions-oriented approach. She has served her community and believes it is about the people, making an impact and getting meaningful results. Kristie currently serves on the Advisory Board for Door of Hope-Salvation Army, Healthcare Businesswoman's Association Member of Southern California, California Womens Leadership Association Member amongst other leadership positions in her community. Kristie earned two B.S. degrees in the field of Nutritional Science and Crop Science with a minor in Biotechnology from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. The impact of her life experiences shaped her passion to make a difference in the lives of children who are disadvantaged and exposed to events that have negatively impacted their lives. Kristie grew up in Bakersfield, California. She is a proud mom and resides in San Diego, California.

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