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Ms. Donna T. Gingery


About Me

Throughout her career, Donna Gingery has had the privilege of immersing herself in thevibrant world of the performing arts. From stepping into the spotlight in plays to bringingcharacters to life on stage, she has experienced the magic of theatrical performance invarious roles. She co-wrote and directed the musical "Motown Magic" and recentlyserved as the voice director for "Shrek: The Musical." For 15 years, she has been adedicated member of the International Thespian Society, serving as the drama theaterliaison. 

In addition to her theatrical endeavors, Donna has ventured into public speaking,captivating audiences with the art of spoken word, and expressing her creativity throughimprovisation, singing, and dancing. She has also honed her skills as a voice coach,directed vocal performances in plays, and both co-directed and directed stageproductions. One of the most memorable moments of her career was accompanyingstudents to the White House during the Obama administration, where the students hadthe incredible opportunity to showcase their talent in front of Michelle Obama. Currently,Donna is deeply engrossed in the process of bringing another captivating book to life.

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