Donna Drake is an international award-winner, television broadcast show producer and host whose CBS and NBC TV show, “Live It Up! With Donna Drake" brings experience in conception, production and fiduciary management of a broadcast television show on WLNY-TV/CBS for ten years. Soon to be on WBZ Boston and KSDK St. Louis, “Live It Up!” was one of the first hybrid shows with delivery over the air and on the web with a following in 25 countries and was the first show to stream via Facebook using the Smack Dab platform. Donna is the head of Drake Media Network, Inc. Drake Media specializes in content strategy and video content production facilitating cross-platform media experiences for national and international brands such as Green Mountain Coffee, Coca-Cola, The Melting Pot, professional sports teams, and celebrities resulting in negotiating and implementing flawless execution from strategy to deliverables in print, broadcast, promos, radio commercials, social media, storytelling and events. Ms. Drake is a former college professor having taught new and emerging media and broadcasting classes, a British Airways “Face to Face” award-winning entrepreneur, and has received the Goddess Artemis Award from the Euro-American Women’s Council, and a Global Citizenship award from the United Nations. In addition to the TV show on Saturday mornings at 6:30 am a new radio show coming soon.
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