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Ms. Cheryl Houston

(Executive Director)

About Me

Cheryl Houston is the founder and Executive Director of Indomitable Women 4 Agape Life (IW4AL) operating since September of 2016. Under her leadership, the ministry started out as weekly prayer calls with a group of women who also showed a desire for a new way of life. In the past year, IW4AL has held programs to include volunteer community involvement opportunities through our quarterly Adopt-a-Shelter, Taking it 2 The Streets, Fall Clothing Drive, Rent and Utility assistance, yearly Chat & Chew Retreat, and participating in local walks and fundraisers such as Lupus Foundation of America and the Alzheimer’s Association. IW4AL also donates to other charities and provides resources and referrals for women in need of counseling, addiction programs, employment and emergency shelter. IW4AL is a 501©3 whose ultimate goal is to open an emergency shelter for women by 2019.Cheryl has over 30 years of experience working for nonprofit organizations which has given her the experience to work with others and provide programs and services to members. Cheryl provides program development to special projects and expert work groups. Cheryl’s passion for the need to help individuals stems from her own life experiences. Cheryl has always had a heart to assist family members and friends who have had challenges and faced homelessness. Having been challenged herself she knows what it means to need counseling and programs to be able to make it in this society and overcome those dark places in life. Over the years, Cheryl had to deal with unemployment issues also needing emergency housing. There is a great need for many and with the correct guidance and programs women can achieve greatness one battle at a time.

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