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Ms. Cheryl A. Adams


About Me

Cheryl Adams is an accomplished chief fiscal and operations professional managing at the executive level with experiences in private, state and non-profits sectors. Cheryl is a global executive who knows how to keep a company from stagnating. She knows that to move forward, businesses, just like individuals, must adapt.  As demands and technology change, businesses must be responsive if they are to remain viable.  Experience in managing and leading change to improve operations and fiscal management. Cheryl has demonstrated success at improving organization effectiveness, increasing revenue and enhancing profit margins by leveraging business strengths and building strong collaborative teams. She is responsible for overall financial management of the company, its financial reporting and transparency, and for multiple corporate functions including CFO, COO, supply chain management, inventory control and logistics.  Mrs. Adams has extensive experience managing multi-million dollar accounting, finance, and revenue operations. A dynamic leader, Mrs. Adams is accomplished in developing financial strategies that enhance organizational growth and maximize sustainability. Her expertise includes design of short- and long-term financial plans, investment management, financial problem solving, corrective action plan implementation, and compliance.  Mrs. Adams holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Arkansas and a Masters in Finance. She serves as a Board of Directors for As Directed Plus, Chair for the City of Meridian Chamber, Chair for Idaho Aerospace Alliance, Advocates of Family Violence, and is a member of the Treasure Valley CFO’s.

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