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Ms. Angela Angell


About Me

From my earliest memories, animals have been constant companions in my life, ranging from dogs, cats, birds, and ferrets to the more unconventional presence of rabbits, horses, and even a cow. A life without a feline friend has been unimaginable, creating a bond that has enriched my existence. As a pet owner, I've experienced the immeasurable joy and reciprocal love that animals offer, shaping my perspective on a world that, for me, is incomplete without their presence.

The dream of writing children's books has been a beacon since my college days, fueled by an innate passion for storytelling. However, the journey of parenthood, marked by the responsibility of raising three children, and the financial challenges that followed, temporarily diverted my focus from this dream. Life took an unexpected turn when, at the age of 40, an ATV accident resulted in me fracturing of every bone in my face. It was oddly a transformative and divine moment that urged me to reassess my choices and chart a new course for my life.

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